Friday, February 19, 2010

More people, places, and things that stress Joselyn out


people with tip calculators - move the decimal one spot to the left and thats 10% of the bill people. Then double that. 

having ADD at all the not fun times to have it-standardized testing, church, talking to people with distracting body hair, watching japanese television can be overwhelming, while editing my graffiti doc, talking to a doctor, on dates with people who apparently don't like splitting dinner to go on adventures, while painting my nails and having to stay still for 15 minutes- I still don't think I've successfully done that

Homeless people that don't just get right to the point. One homeless guy downtown starts in on you with "Do you have ten minutes to spare?" After writing this I'm realizing I'm a bastard.

bi sexuals - super competitors


people that let their kids watch horror theaters, not only are they wrong - they are flip about it. Flip wrong people stress me out

artificial sweeteners - there is no way this is going to end positively
people still wearing ironic slogan t-shirts except the one that says "I support Safe Sex" with two safes on top of each other. Or one that perhaps would say "Why so Sirius?"copyright Joselyn McDonald

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